Miller Hall is an A-listed former church, designed by James Miller in a striking mix of Arts & Crafts and Gothic styles. Previously known as St Andrew’s East Church, the building was converted to flats in the early 2000s.
As the building’s roof is currently undergoing extensive refurbishment, this CPD offers an opportunity to climb the scaffolding and get an up-close look at the works. The on-site tour will be led by the contractor, and will focus on the works being done to repair the roof and high-level masonry, including re-slating, leadwork, and updating the rainwater goods to better cope with climate change.
As this is a working site, spaces are limited to 7 people.
PPE will be provided but please wear safe & comfortable shoes. Climbing of ladders on the scaffolding will be required.
All GCHT CPD sessions are recognised by the IHBC, and attendees can obtain a CPD certificate upon completion.
£10 per person / £5 for students