COPYRIGHT ASSIGNMENT & CONSENT FORM for PODCAST (In oral and written form) “If Glasgow’s Walls Could Talk”

Thank you for your interest in leaving a message for our podcast “If Glasgow’s Walls Could Talk”.

Please be aware that by submitting a message via email or mobile phone you agree to the following statement and are enabling Glasgow City Heritage Trust (GCHT) to permanently retain and use your recorded or written message.

In respect of the content of an email or sound recording made by and, or, being deposited with GCHT dedicated phone line or email address (mobile: 07902976218, email: consisting of the recollections, opinions and thoughts of a contributor and constituting a literary work as defined by the Copyright, Designs & Patents Act 1988:

As present owner of the copyright in the contributor content (i.e. the message left on the dedicated phone line or email address), I hereby assign such copyright to the GCHT. I understand that this will not affect my moral right to be identified as the ‘author’ in accordance with the Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988. I understand that no payment is due to me for this assignment and consent. 

In assigning my copyright, I understand that I am giving GCHT the right to use and make available the content of the recorded interview in the following ways:

  • use the original message on the podcast 
  • have my message read by a third person the the podcast
  • use my message, or part of my message,  on GCHT social media @glasgowheritage
  • use in schools, universities, colleges and other educational establishments, including use in a thesis, dissertation or similar research
  • public performance, lectures or talks
  • use in publications, including print, audio or video
  • public reference purposes in libraries, museums & record offices use on radio or television
  • publication worldwide on the internet

Please be aware that we might use your contact details (phone number or email address) to get in touch with you about your message, but for no other purposes.