Professor Robin Webster OBE is a partner in the Glasgow firm of Cameron Webster Architects, and professor emeritus at the Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen, where he was head of the Scott Sutherland School of Architecture for twenty years. He is Secretary of the Walmer Crescent Association, Chairman of The Alexander Thomson Society and a trustee of the Scottish Stained Glass Symposium. Robin is currently the Development Consultant for Glasgow City Heritage Trust. Robin is the son of Gordon Webster and grandson of Alf Webster.
Robin will discuss Alf Webster from a family perspective, and describe from his personal experience; what it was like living with a stained glass artist, and what he learned and remembers from growing up with a stained glass studio in his childhood home with his father Gordon Webster. He will also talk briefly about the different qualities that he sees in the windows of his father and grandfather, and their contribution to the art of stained glass in Scotland.