Explore our free online learning resources!

Here are a selection of learning resources:

Explore the City Chambers with our new digital tour!

Explore the City Chambers with our new digital tour!

Gallus Glasgow Learning Resources for schools

Download our Gallus Glasgow Inter-Disciplinary Learning Resources for schools!

Kids Trail Toolkit

Explore our new Kids Trail Toolkit!

Video Recording: Spotlight on…Gallus Glasgow for educators

A special recorded webinar for teachers and educators giving a guide to the Gallus Glasgow resource, how you might use it in the classroom and some resources to assist you.

Gallus Glasgow Events Archive

Here are some of the events we’ve held online during the Gallus Glasgow project. Watch back in your own time!

Be a Building Detective!

Is there a building in your area that you’ve always been curious about? Want to know where to find out more?

Enjoy Family Fun with our Kids Trails!

Download our Kid’s Heritage Trails!

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Enjoy Family Fun with our Kids Trails!

Download our Kid’s Heritage Trails!

Be a Building Detective!

Is there a building in your area that you’ve always been curious about? Want to know where to find out more?

Online Talk: 19th Century Retail and the Rise of the Department Store

Wednesday 8th December 2021 | 7.30pm GMT | via Zoom

Focusing on architecture, window displays, and internal design, this talk will examine how Glasgow department stores, like their Parisian counterparts, became spaces not just of spectacle, but also of manipulation and disorientation.

Become a Friend of Glasgow City Heritage Trust

Each year, our events help over 2000 people to understand and appreciate Glasgow's irreplaceable built heritage. Can you help us to reach more people?

We are hugely grateful for the support of our Friends whose subscriptions help cover the costs of these events, thereby ensuring accessible pricing for everyone in Glasgow in these challenging times.

The easiest way to support the Trust’s work is to join our Friends scheme. Our tiered loyalty scheme means you can choose the level that’s right for you.