Tuesday 17th September
Part One: 11:am | Part Two: 1:30pm | Meeting point for Parts One and Two is Springburn Railway Station
Author and guide Ian R Mitchell will lead two interconnected walks that explore Glasgow’s railway heritage, which was just as important an industry as shipbuilding. Part One is a loop around Springburn park, former Railway Metropolis, and Part Two heads through Garngad to Dennistoun. Both walks will include a tour of the former North British Locomotive Works. You can sign up for one or both of the walks.
For Glasgow Doors Open Days this year we will be leading a series of walks all over the city, exploring Glasgow’s architecture, history and local culture. The walks are free but booking is required.
For more information about any of our Doors Open Days activities, or for help with booking please email events@glasgowheritage.org.uk
The Glasgow Doors Open Days Festival is an annual event which takes place across the city during the third week in September. Buildings open their doors and give free access to the public to showcase the city’s architecture and heritage. For more information, please visit www.glasgowdoorsopendays.org.uk