POSTPONED Training: Flat Roofing – Maintenance Awareness and Repair Issues

COVID-19 UPDATE: This event has been postponed due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. A new date will be scheduled as soon as possible. All existing ticket holders have been contacted by email. We hope to have a date booked in for this event later in the year.

If you have any questions, please email

Thursday 21st May 2020 | 12.30-1.30pm | 54 Bell Street, Glasgow

Flat roofs can be found on many of Scotland’s traditional buildings, Tenement buildings in particular often have flat roofs as part of their construction. However, the maintenance of flat roofs can be challenging as inspection can be difficult, and any defects can have serious implications for the building, making expert knowledge and awareness vital to their upkeep.

This CPD, delivered by George Brolly of Brolly Roofing, will detail the different kinds of flat roofs, their most pressing maintenance issues and how to identify them, as well as guidance on repairs and safe use of heat.

All GCHT CPD sessions are recognised by the IHBC, and attendees can obtain a CPD certificate upon completion.

£15 per person / £10 for students, including light lunch.


All sessions are recognised by the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (IHBC) as being capable of contributing to the obligatory CPD requirements of Full Members (see

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