COVID-19 UPDATE: This event has been postponed due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. A new date will be scheduled as soon as possible. All existing ticket holders have been contacted by email. We hope to have a date booked in for this event later in the year.
If you have any questions, please email events@glasgowheritage.org.uk.
Wednesday 18th March 2020 | 6-8pm | 54 Bell Street
Today, the leisure industry is one of the biggest global industries in the world – cinema, television, computer games, sport, print media, radio, the internet, mobile phones – they all play a huge part in our everyday lives. But it was all quite different 300 years ago when Glasgow began its enormous expansion.
By the late-1800s, it was one of the biggest, fastest growing cities in the world. The hundreds of thousands of people who made up that new community needed employment and houses, but they also needed entertainments to fill their increasing leisure time.
In this talk Fergus Sutherland will discuss the development of that industrial community and how they created so much of our modern leisure world.
Please note: Payment is taken via PayPal but you do not need to have a PayPal account to pay online.