This page contains facts, figures and data collated between January and March 2019, giving an updated snapshot of the current state of Glasgow’s historic built environment.
A huge amount of information already exists, collected at different scales and times and kept in different places by different people. This page brings some of that information together into one place, and drills down to give an idea of what’s going on in Glasgow.
Zoom into our interactive map and use the layer controls on the right of the map to play around with the data and overlap it in different ways. Click on a marker on the map to find out more information. See what questions come up about your area.
We mined data from open sources, like the national census and household surveys, and interrogated this information to find out what the picture is like in Glasgow. Under the map you’ll find information about the data sources we used including links.
Since the Trust’s inception in 2007, we have grant-aided some of Glasgow’s most well known and well loved buildings including Hutchesons Hall, The Mackintosh Church at Queens Cross, The Britannia Panopticon and Argyll Arcade. We also operate an an extensive programme of heritage grants aimed at promoting the understanding and appreciation of our historic built environment. We have a separate map of our past grant awards, detailed by location, which you can explore here.
Glasgow’s Historic Built Environment: Interactive Map
Data notes:
Buildings at Risk and Listed Buildings data for Glasgow comes from Historic Environment Scotland and is correct as of March 2019.
Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) data is the latest available (2016).
Tenure data comes from the Scottish Census, the last of which was in 2011.
Data on age of housing comes from Home Reports data. Home Reports only exist where a dwelling is bought / sold, so coverage varies by area. Figures should be taken as an indication only.
Empty Homes data comes from an FOI request to Glasgow City Council in 2016.
Vacant commercial properties data comes from an FOI request to Glasgow City Council in February 2019.
Fire incident data comes from the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, and is for 2017-18.
Tell us what you think…
We welcome your feedback and we will use this to help us shape next year’s forum and report. Any comments you send us are totally anonymous. Click the button below to give us your comments.