“Too much time looking at the computer makes my mind sluggish and I find I get distracted. A quick walk and some air normally brings the concentration back as well as stopping me getting too stiff.”
Turn your working lunch into a walking lunch!
We know that many, like us in the office, end up working through lunch or eating a sandwich at their desk. Glasgow City Heritage Trust is developing a programme of lunchtime walks designed to get fellow built environment / heritage / culture professionals based in the city centre out of the office at lunchtime on short walks exploring the social and architectural heritage of the city centre.
These walks aren’t ‘guided’ in the traditional sense. Instead we pick an existing trail or area we’d like to find out more about and explore it together, with plenty of opportunity to chat and mix with other walkers.
So if you’ve got an idea for a fun walk let us know or come along and join us on a walk. It’s a great way of finding out more about the city and meeting new people!
Participants will be encouraged to sign up to lead walks on a voluntary basis, sharing their specific expertise or knowledge of Glasgow with the group in an informal setting.
These walks will build on our usual programme of guided heritage walks – with the overall aim being to increase the number of people becoming active through enjoying the historic environment.
All walks will be under an hour, and take place in the city centre, designed to encourage fellow professionals to get out of the office at lunchtimes, to meet with other professionals and to learn something new before returning to the office refreshed.
Come along to our next weekday wander on:
Thursday 30th August 2018 | 12.30pm
(RSVP to gemma@glasgowheritage.org.uk)
meet at: GCHT Offices, 54 Bell Street, Glasgow, G1 1LQ
This walking programme is funded by Paths For All.
Thurs 12th July
Weds 25th July
Weds 15th August
Thurs 30th August
Mon 10, Tues 11, Weds 12 ,Thurs 13 September (for Glasgow Doors Open Days)
Weds 26th Sept
Thurs 11th Oct
Weds 24th Oct
Weds 7th Nov
Thurs 22nd Nov
Weds 5th Dec
Overview A half day course with Paths for All on how to lead one of our walks and motivate colleagues to become more active.
Date We will aim to find a date to suit most participants – Monday to Friday, 9am- 5pm.
Location We will host the course at our offices at 54 Bell Street, Glasgow, G20 7RW.
Cost There will be no cost to participants. Refreshments will be provided.
Who is the course aimed at? Volunteers who are willing to lead walks as part of our programme.
What will I learn? As a workplace Walk Leader you will gain insight in to the practical skills and good practice to enable you to lead safe, effective and enjoyable walks.
How do I book? Register your interest by completing the sign up form below and answering ‘Yes’ to ‘Interested in training as a walk leader?’
For more information Contact Gemma Wild on 0141 552 1331 or gemma@glasgowheritage.org.uk.