Wednesday 7th February 2018 | 12.30-1.30pm | 54 Bell Street, Glasgow
Stone has been used as a vital element of Scotland’s historic built environment from prehistoric times to the present day. In this CPD session Dr Callum Graham of Historic Environment Scotland will explore the geology of Scotland’s rock types to highlight the fundamental physical properties of stone and why it was once the predominant material of choice for building traditional Scottish structures.
Dr Callum Graham is a Laboratory Scientist with the Conservation Science team at Historic Environment Scotland’s new conservation hub, the Engine Shed in Stirling. Callum is involved in undertaking on-site and laboratory based analysis of traditional building materials, and has contributed to their new building conservation postgraduate diploma by teaching on the stone and lime mortar modules.
All GCHT CPD sessions are recognised by the IHBC, and attendees can obtain a CPD certificate upon completion.
£10 per person /£5 for students, including light lunch.
All sessions are recognised by the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (IHBC) as being capable of contributing to the obligatory CPD requirements of Full Members (see