Celebrating 20 Years of Scotland’s City Heritage Trusts

2024 marks the 20th anniversary of the first City Heritage Trusts in Scotland. Over two decades, Scotland’s seven City Heritage Trusts have made a significant contribution to the historic environment through the distribution of funding for building repairs, outreach and education. They have become an integral part of the Scottish heritage sector, recognised for their local knowledge and expertise and their ability to be creative and innovative, using public funds wisely to deliver on projects which make a difference to the cities where they operate.

This report showcases the Trusts’ achievements and highlights their ongoing importance in caring for the historic built environment and contributing to a more sustainable Scotland.

Zoom User Guide

Glasgow City Heritage Trust is currently using Zoom to broadcast our live talks and events. You can join these events as a participant without creating a Zoom account. You do not need to have a webcam or a microphone to join the event as a participant.

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As ever, if you have any queries or questions please get in touch.

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Walking Tour 4

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Become a Friend of Glasgow City Heritage Trust

Glasgow City Heritage Trust is an independent charity and your support is crucial to ensure that our charitable work promoting the understanding, appreciation and conservation of Glasgow’s historic buildings for the benefit of the city’s communities and its visitors continues now, and in the future.

The easiest way to support the Trust’s work is to join our loyalty scheme. Our tiered loyalty scheme means you can choose the level that’s right for you.

Past GCHT Grant Awards: 2017 – 2017

Since the Trust’s inception in 2007, we have grant-aided some of Glasgow’s most well known and well loved buildings including Hutchesons Hall, The Mackintosh Church at Queens Cross, The Britannia Panopticon and Argyll Arcade. We also operate an an extensive programme of heritage grants aimed at promoting the understanding and appreciation of our historic built environment.

Projects are detailed by location below:

Glasgow Historic Environment: A Snapshot – 2019

Ever wondered which buildings in your neighbourhood are listed, or even on Scotland’s Buildings at Risk Register?

In April 2018 we held a Forum event which explored what we need to do, together, to improve the state of Glasgow’s heritage.

Following that event, we’ve created a new page on our website containing facts, figures and data collated between February and April 2018, and a downloadable version of the final report from the event. Together these give a snapshot of the current state of Glasgow’s historic built environment. As of April 2019 the map and report have been updated to reflect any changes since 2018, further data points and a second Forum which was held in March 2019.

A huge amount of information already exists, collected at different scales and times and kept in different places by different people. This page brings some of that information together into one place, and drills down to give an idea of what’s going on in Glasgow.

Click the map to explore the data and map.

Annual Reports